Increase the strength of the factory or aftermarket free wheeling hubs by fitting a pair of Roadsafe reinforcing hub
rings. Roadsafe Hub Rings are sold as a pair (use existing factory bolts for installation). Simply undo the 6 bolts. remove
& discard the 3 factory washers (if fitted) and replace with the new hub ring. then refit & tighten the 6 bolts (to factory
torque specs). Manufactured from 4mm 350mpa Steel. the Roadsafe hub rings increase the strength of the manual free
wheel hubs. Corrosion resistant yellow zinc plating (can be painted) the rings have been designed to suit for both Factory
(genuine) and Aftermarket (Nissan style) hubs.
rings. Roadsafe Hub Rings are sold as a pair (use existing factory bolts for installation). Simply undo the 6 bolts. remove
& discard the 3 factory washers (if fitted) and replace with the new hub ring. then refit & tighten the 6 bolts (to factory
torque specs). Manufactured from 4mm 350mpa Steel. the Roadsafe hub rings increase the strength of the manual free
wheel hubs. Corrosion resistant yellow zinc plating (can be painted) the rings have been designed to suit for both Factory
(genuine) and Aftermarket (Nissan style) hubs.